The meetings are a gathering of project related people with the purpose of sharing information and discussing project topics

Kick-off Meeting

First meeting to discuss project aims, tasks and management.

When - 25 May 2012

Where - FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Participants - C. Maguas, S.Vieira, M.C.Barradas, C.Antunes, P. Pinho, M.J.Pereira, M.Ramos, O. Correia, Y.Bakker, R. Oliveira.

Iberian Meeting

Meeting with portuguese and spanish colaborators to discuss preliminary results from Doñana spring campaign.

When - 24 October 2013

Where - FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Participants - C. Máguas, O. Correia, M.C.Barradas, C.Antunes.

Progress Meeting

Meeting intended to evaluate the project progress: discussion about what we have accomplished and future strategies.

When - 10 July 2014

Where - FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Participants - C. Máguas, O. Correia, M.C.Barradas, C.Antunes, S. Vieira, P.Pinho, M. Ramos.

Final Meeting

Meeting intended to evaluate the project achievements, first results and future perspectives.

When - 14 September 2015.

Where - FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Participants - C. Máguas, C. Antunes, O. Correia, M. C. Barradas, M. Zunzunegui, S. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Pereira, M.J. Pereira, R. Siegwolf.